
OPPO Watch系列新品即将发布最强安卓智能表的新篇章

8月17日,「智能旗舰,健康随行——OPPO Watch 系列新品沟通会」在深圳召开。OPPO健康实验室负责人曾子敬、OPPO穿戴产品总监郑战海和OPPO穿戴产品经理马慧珊共同出席,与现场媒体分享了OPPO Watch系列产品的成果回顾与最新进展。

据悉,OPPO还将于近期发布全新智能手表产品——OPPO Watch 4 Pro。这款新的智能手表是对前一代产品的一次重大升级,它依旧定位全智能旗舰,但搭载了更为先进的硬件配置。具体来说,它搭载的是骁龙W5+恒玄2700旗舰双芯,以及2GB运存,这使得其在处理能力上有了显著提升。此外,中框和底材质全面升级,质感大幅提升,为用户提供了更加舒适的手感体验。

运动与健康是智能手表用户核心诉求之一。在OPPO Watch 系列诞生之始,OPPO就立志走专业健康的研发路线,对用户身体负责。通过建立运动健康实验室、自研算法以及与专业医疗机构深入合作,在心血管、睡眠、运动三大领域产出诸多突破性成果,并将其成功应用于OPPORTunity for OPPOSEctional innovation, driving lifestyle changes.


With the upcoming release of the new OPPEXPERIENCE WATCH, we can expect even more innovations and improvements in the field of smartwatches. As a leader in the industry, OPPEXPERIENCE continues to push boundaries and provide users with cutting-edge technology that enhances their lives. Whether it's health monitoring, fitness tracking, or simply staying connected with friends and family, smartwatches have become an essential part of our daily routines.

As we look forward to what the future holds for smartwatches, one thing is certain: they will continue to evolve and improve with each new generation. With advancements in AI, IoT connectivity, and wearable technology itself, we can expect even more exciting developments on the horizon. So stay tuned for further updates from OPPEXPERIENCE as they bring us closer to a world where technology seamlessly integrates into our lives.


"The Future of Smartwatches: Trends & Innovations" by Statista

"Smartwatch Market Size & Share Report" by Grand View Research

"How Wearables Are Changing The Game For Health And Fitness" by Forbes