第一种组合方式的基本流程为:原水经过沙炭过滤器和精密过滤器,然后进入原水箱,再通过反渗透设备、混床(复床)到达纯水箱,最后由纯水泵推送至后置精密过滤器,最终达到用水点。这一种工艺用于制备超纯水,并且具有环保经济发展潜力巨大,其基本流程为:原water→沙炭过滤器→精密过滤器→原water加压泵→多介质过滤器→活性炭过滤器→软化机 →EDImembrane →PH调节 →第二级reverse osmosis →中间water tank -> pure water tank -> pure water pump -> use point
一级reverse osmosis: 原water + pressure pump + multi-media filter + activated carbon filter + softener + precision filter + reverse osmosis membrane (electric conductivity ≦ 10us/cm)
二级reverse osmosis: 原water+pressure pump+multi-media filter+activated carbon filter+softener+precision filter+first-stage reverse osmosis membrane+pure water storage tank+pure water circulation pump+pure water usage point (electric conductivity ≦ 2us/cm)
Ion exchange: 原water+pressure pump+multi-media filter+activated carbon filter+softener+purity of first-stage reverse osmosis membrane+mixed bed resin in the intermediate tank+mixed bed resin in the final stage+mixed bed reservoir+circulating pumps for mixed beds+circulating pumps for purified water+circulating pumps for purified water to usage points
EDI system: 原water + pressure pump + multi-media filtration system, activated carbon filtration system, and softening unit; then through a second-stage reverse osmotic membrane with positive charges on its surface; followed by pH adjustment, further treatment by an EDI device; then goes into a pure-water storage container and is pumped out as needed.
The production process of paint and cleaning agents has different requirements depending on their specific uses, which are reflected in these four main processes that can be selected based on different purity levels.